Tuesday, October 27, 2015

School Work

These kids keep us on our toes. They write some of the wildest stuff! It is obvious which student's work it is when it is in English. Austin gets to be put on blast since he is a member of the Wakefield family, thereby granting me immunity. However, since none of our church kids signed up for being publicly humiliated on this blog, we will let them remain anonymous! Austin was pretty proud of his work anyways.

 Austin is learning about cells, obviously an entirely new subject matter -

Ahh, how creative. Very tiny, indeed. 
Click to enlarge!
"Write your thoughts" apparently gives free reign for one's true opinion to be known!
Instructions were to read Psalm 139:14-18
I am including this one mainly for our Spanish-speaking readers. 
Nicole and I are still laughing over it. Whenever someone does something dumb, we know where they are from!  
(MeNspotamia...Mesopotamia. Menso in Spanish means dumb or stupid.)
One guy did not follow directions or answer the questions he was supposed to. I am too embarrassed to include a picture of his work due to the terrible handwriting and lack of punctuation. He was supposed to write about his personal history, when and where he was born, when his parents got in church, and the things God has done in his life. This was his response: 

"I was born in the church. I've been going to this church for ten years. God has blessed us in these years. God has blessed me. It is a good thing my parents got in church - if they wouldn't have, we would be in the streets stealing and doing terrible things, cussing and having bad friends. I would already be in problems and disobeying my parents."

Little gangstas! If not for the Lord! 
(Well, I guess it IS a possibility...)



Mary Frances said...

HAHAHA!!! These are HILARIOUS!!!

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

Glad you enjoyed them, Mary!


Mary Frances said...


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